Since childhood, we all might have came across this sentence, "Reading is a good habit" Aren't we?
Well, being a kid of 90's - I was quite lazy to read books. Instead, I was always curious to play different types of Video games on my play station or binge on different channels watching series. I remember my routine was like doing office work, commute from workplace to home & again and enjoying being potato couch watching endless series. Yeah, that's fun! Isn't it? Many of you might be having this routine.
There was a time when I realized that this needs to end now. It was affecting me socially, mentally as well as physically. I was doing nothing but a silly group of monotonous tasks which were worthless - no growth at all. I came across an article wherein they said, all the listed personalities on Fortune 500 spends their time reading some or the other books. Well, I was shocked with this sentence. My mind blasted number of questions: Why do they read? What do they read? Do they have enough time? How's their routine structured? etc etc... I figured out and started this activity without any delay. Read it... & you'll know it!

It's nothing tough. Believe me, even I was a beginner some day. The advantage for us is we are gifted with audio books. Oh yes, while commuting we can listen to books rather than reading it. The only purpose of book is expanding your knowledge either by listening or reading. As a beginner, figure out the genre you are interested in - this will help you bring interest in consuming the content shared by author.
As Dalai lama said, “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.”
That's so true. Listening/reading books have quite few advantages which you might figure out after few days of starting this practice. Some of them which are noticeable to me are as below:
Author shares his/her perspective to some incident which broadens up your perspective to any situation. Unlike other you might end up with best solution to some problem with your out of the box perspective towards the particular situation.
Your read/listen to something which has happened, experienced by someone else or fictional - thus your visualization/imagination to some situation is getting better. As said: If you can think it, you can do it!
It will teach you patience. If you read, you have to go through each line and wait till the time author reveals the suspense. If you listen, it'll increase your listening skills which is very much needed.
You gain more confidence. Once you start reading, you'll be full of some X energy which will unknowingly increase your confidence. Introverts might turn to the best public speakers.
None the less, it increases your Vocabulary. In a room full of people you say some fancy words might be an advantage for you.
You might think, will you become nerd if you read whole day? Obviously not. Start doing it, you'll enjoy it for sure. You will see change in yourself as time passes.
By the end of every book, you are different & better You!
P.S. Comment your noticeable changes after initiating reading practice. Also, suggest books one should read.