We humans get never ending cravings for good food. And at the time of cravings we are nothing but helpless. The only possible way to overcome this is having delicious, spicy food with lots of calories. After all, a slice of Pizza or a bowl of yummy Chhole is irresistible and enough to overcome this cravings, Isn’t it? As a result of this craving, we end up getting lazy and bulky. Everytime we try harder to stay away from junk food, but we end up consuming more than required. Yes, It’s tougher to stop ourselves than we think.
Well, we have a solution for this now. A very unique electric bracelet delivers a shock of 350-volt everytime you decide to splurge on junk food. It is the most unique way derived to stop you from having unnecessary junkies. This wearable technology known as 'Pavlok bracelet' is based on behavior training science that utilizes aversive conditioning.
What is Aversive Conditioning:
For those who are unaware of the term ‘Aversive Conditioning’ let me explain. It is essentially behavior training that uses negative stimuli and association to reaffirm a specific action as undesirable. In a nutshell, it means stopping you from what you shouldn’t do. Guess what? It'll know when you're doing something that you were not supposed to do and offer you a 350 V current.
Not only just junk food cravings, but it helps to stay strong with your other decision making. For example: If you have decided to quit smoking and get rid of smoking too many cigarettes in a day, you will be gifted with a shock at the time when your inner self will lose its confidence. This bracelet is a kind of miracle to the one who is unaware of behavioral science. It functions in such a way that if you decide to bring a good change in yourself, it will force you to stay strong and walk on your decided path. Shocking!

This bracelet is capable of delivering 150 shocks on a single charge. This is a boon as it is capable of tracking and stopping you from what you are not supposed to do. It also allows your friends or family to keep track on you with the help of mobile Application. It connects and pair with the mobile app through which you can see whether you are on the right track or not. If not, be prepared for the Shock!
This quirky electric gadget is sold at $199 and in India 24k INR which is quite expensive. But the favor which it does to us is limitless. We always expect to get rid of bad habits and all we need for this task is a partner which continuously reminds us to stay strong.
This will stay with you and never let your inner self to lose confidence in yourself. Overcome every bad habit and bring a good change in your life.